Three Years Natural

Hello Berries!

I cut my hair on May 2o, 2012. I felt liberated. I told myself that I was not going to cut my hair until my 21st birthday, but it did not go as planned. I was so tired of my relaxed hair. It was thin, lifeless, and just boring. I was seeing my curl pattern coming through and loving it, but my ends were so bad.

When I went natural there were very few naturals and not a lot of products to try. We had Shea Moisture 3 original lines and Miss Jessie’s, and that was pretty much it. Now every black hair company seems to have a natural hair line. I am glad that they do have this, but natural hair women expect more than a lot of chemicals and some shea butter and coconut oil towards the end of the list.

I have learned a lot about my hair throughout the years. I learned it likes butters more than oils and my scalp likes black soap. I stick with the basics and shampoo, condition, a leave-in, and a butter to seal. I still have yet to find a deep conditioner that does anything for my hair. I also like to make my own products and keep them simple and all natural. I do not focus on using organic products, because it does not really make a different in my opinion. Since I do have seborrheic dermatitis, I have to wash my hair once a week and co-washing does not work for me.

I have seen a lot of growth and health in my hair. My hair likes to put into protective styles and kept that way. I do wear my hair out if I am going somewhere important, but most of the time it is in a bun or under a beanie. I try to keep my hair like this for at least seven days, but when my scalp problem goes into remission, I can go without washing my hair for about ten days.

When my hair is protected I see a lot growth. I have even reached my hair goals, going from neck length to collarbone length to armpit length, finally to bra strap length. My ultimate goal is mid-back length or shoulder length when curly.

So here are some pictures of my journey so fair.

****This was after I trimmed about an inch off. 






Thanks so staying beautiful XOXO

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