Tag Archive | natural hair

Quidad Curl Recovery Melt Down Extreme Repair Mask Review

After doing some damage to my hair by over dying it and not using products for color treated hair, my hair suffered big time! I wanted to try this products after see MoKnowsHair use it for over processed hair and decided to give it a try.


Key Product Benefits

  • Fatty acids rebuild, nourish and protect
  • Active ingredients restore hair’s protective lipid barrier to prevent future damage
  • Melt-down technology provides luxurious, moisturizing warming sensation

Melt-down Extreme Repair Mask is a luxurious treatment formulated with our proprietary CR-4 Repair Complex including nutrient-rich Mafura Butter and Kalahari Melon Seed Oil – that envelops the hair shaft with a cushion-like coating of concentrated fatty acids vital to rebuilding, nourishing and protecting hair. A blend of three clinically-proven actives instantly recreates hair’s depleted lipid barrier, restoring the protective layer to promote health and prevent future damage. Unique melt-down technology pampers hair with a subtle warming sensation as it replenishes moisture.


  • It repairs curls
  • Nice smell
  • A little goes a long way
  • Instant results


  • Such little product for the price
  • Does not make my hair soft
  • Works best on soaking wet hair

Final Verdict:

I would buy this product again, but only use it every 2 weeks, because it is an intense elasticity treatment. Also, the price makes it out of my budget to buy once a month.

Things I Don’t Do As A Girl with Natural Hair

Hello Berries!

We all know there are some dos and don’ts for natural hair and I break A LOT of these rules! I am human and I like to do certain things to my hair that some natural hair Nazis would not agree with, but it is my hair and I can do whatever I want to my hair and no one can stop me!

1.) I do not co-wash. I hate co-washing. I hate when people tell me I should co-wash. I hate when people co-wash their hair. I think you should shampoo your hair to get it clean and I do not believe co-washing actually cleanses the hair. Plus most people do not even use cleansing conditioners to co-wash their hair.

2.) I like heat. I do not use heat a lot, but I do like to use it. Honestly, if I were more patient with my hair, I would be a straight haired natural. I like straight styles and love how my hair looks when it is straightened. I just hate the process of getting my hair straight and I do not have that much time and energy to devote to making it straight.

3.) I do not use the LOC/LCO method. My hair likes simplicity. I cannot stack product on product on product on my hair. My hair would hate it! I keep it simple and just use a leave-in conditioner to moisturize and shea butter to seal. My hair loves this process and is really thriving this way.

4.) I do not moisturize and seal on a regular basis. I only moisturize my hair on wash days and when I restyle my hair, other than that, I do not bother my hair. I think it defeats the purpose for me to take my hair out of its protective style, just to wet and restyle it. I keep my hair in braids, under a beanie most of the time and wash it twice a week, so I do not think I am doing any damage to it.

5.) I like sulfates. My hair is fine with sulfate shampoos and I like to keep my hair happy. Like I said I keep it simple and if a product works for my hair, then I am not about to change it, because the internet says I should.

6.) I like rubber bands. I use rubber bands when I braid my hair up to keep it from unraveling. They do not break my hair off or cause damage. I fine with rubber bands. However, I have been using them less, nut only because I am too cheap to buy more of them.

7.) I do not pre-poo. I try to keep my hair day routine to a minimum and pre-pooing is not part of routine. Plus my hair feels dirty when I pre-poo, especially with an oil.

8.) I do not use oil on my hair. Well, it is very rare that I use an oil. My hair is thick and likes creams more than oils. This is why I prefer to use she butter more than oil. And I am the rare exception of naturalistas that do not like coconut oil.

These are the things that I do and do not do to my hair. I love my natural hair and I want to take better care of my hair, but sometimes I break the rules.

Question: What natural hair rules do you break?

Thanks for being beautiful


Hair Goals

Hello Berries!

I am excited about starting this healthy hair journey and getting my hair healthy, strong, and long! I have done the natural hair journey, but because I was doing my own hair, I did a lot of damage. I am just trying to repair my color damaged hair. I have already posted my hair regimen and kept it very simple. Here’s the link to that post: https://shuberryharan.wordpress.com/2015/07/29/healthy-hair-journey/

 So with all that being said, I have decided to list my hair goals, because this is the best way to stay on track.

**** These are MY goals! Everyone has different goals that they want to achieve. I am not putting a time period on my goals, because my hair will not go for that. These goals are not in any particular order, I am going to follow my regimen and pay attention to my hair’s needs. I will be making a post about where I am starting at and I will be doing updates every three months or so.

Reach shoulder length in shrunken stage

Reach mid-back length

Clear my seborrheic dermatitis

Repair my curl pattern

Grow out my dyed hair

Use more all natural products

Question: What are your hair goals?

Thanks for staying beautiful


Healthy Hair Journey

Hello Berries!

I am going to be honest, my hair is damaged! I don’t have heat damage, but I do have color damage and it is sad. The front of my hair has no curl pattern; it is just a limp wave type pattern. I have decided to start a healthy hair journey to repair my hair and grow it healthy and longer. I also want to clear my scalp issues and calm my seborrheic dermatitis. So on August 1 I will be starting my healthy hair journey!

**** This is what I am doing for my healthy hair journey. You are welcome to participate on the journey with me and make your own adjustments to fit your hair needs.



2x Week with a dandruff shampoo & moisturizing shampoo


2x Week after shampoo

Moisturize & Seal

Every 2 Days


Low Maintenance (Braid Outs/Twist Outs)

Protective Styles (Buns/Braids/Twists/Beanies)



Deep Condition (1x Week)


Whenever Needed

Question: What do you do to keep your hair healthy?

Thanks for staying beautiful


Hair Tag: Part Two

Why did you start your hair journey?
I always wanted to go natural, but never really had the courage to go it. So then when I went away to college, I decided I wanted to finally go natural.

How long have you been on your hair journey?
I got my last relaxer June 2011. I big chopped my hair May 2012. I am currently transitioning the color out of my hair currently, so we’ll see how this transition goes.

Are you natural, relaxed or transitioning?
I am natural and currently “transitioning” the color out of my hair.

What is your hair length now?

I am BSL or at least grazing BSL. I trimmed about a month ago, so I am a little shorter than BSL.

What is your goal length?

My goal length is MBL or shoulder length when shrunken.

What is your hair texture?

Confused lol. It is mostly 3c/4a with 4b at my temples. My hair is in between textures. It is kinky-curly, thick, and course.

Health or Length?

Health always! Length will come.

If you could only live with one hair product what would it be?

I would say Tresemme Flawless Curls Conditioner.

What’s the worse product you’ve ever used?

Crème of Nature Argan Oil Conditioner! It was BAD! BAD! BAD!

What is your go to hair style?
Wash & Go, low ponytail, or braid-out. It depends on where I’m going and how much time I have.

Are you a product junkie?
Not anymore.

How often do you trim your ends?
About twice a year.
How often do you use heat?
I diffuse when I wear my hair in a wash & go. I flat iron twice a year.

Do you take supplements?
Nope. I take a multivitamin every night.

Favorite Oil?
Coconut & Tea Tree.

Who is your hair crush?
Moknowshair and Naptural85

How long does it take you on wash day?
About an hour and a half. I let the condition sit until I get tired of the smell.

Worse thing that ever happened to your hair?
Coloring too often

Do you dye your hair if so what color ?
it is currently bronze, dark brown, and brown. I want to dye it red again, but I also want to grow the color out.

Who do you tag ?
I tag everyone reading this. Love you Berries

Thanks for being beautiful!


Keeping Hair Simple


Hello Berries!

So I get a lot of questions about what I do to my hair and honestly I can never really tell people, because I really don’t do anything to my hair. I keep it simple and do the bare minimum to keep it from looking crazy. I think that is what people with natural hair or hair in general forget to do. You do not have to do all this extra stuff to your hair to get it to look nice or to grow. If you just love your care and take care of it, then it will grow. One thing that I learned is my hair likes to cleaned and left alone.

So here are some simple steps for any person with hair, whether you are natural, relaxed, texlaxed, transitioning, or whatever.

**** I will not be talking about co-washing, because I do not like to co-wash. This is all my own opinion and the things that I think you should do to your hair.

Cleanse your hair

You can co-wash your hair if you please, but you MUST shampoo your hair at least once a month. If you are using products with chemicals or heavy oils, you must strip all that product out of your hair and scalp or that stuff will sit on your hair and make it look dull or will gunk up your scalp and cause some issues.

Condition your hair

You need to replenish the hair of all the stuff you look out of it when you cleansed your hair. Find something that makes your hair soft and able to detangle easily.

Deep Condition your hair

I do not deep condition my hair. I do not have time for this and have yet to find a deep conditioner that works for me. I do use a protein treatment once a month though. Honestly, this step is optional.

Moisturize your hair

Leave-ins, butters, and oils. You do not have to use the LOC or LCO method in this step, but you do want to use something that moisturizes the hair and seals in that moisture.

Style your hair

Style your hair the way you want your hair to look and leave it alone or not, the choice is yours. Just enjoy YOUR hair.

Question: What is your regimen?

Thanks for being beautiful


Three Years Natural

Hello Berries!

I cut my hair on May 2o, 2012. I felt liberated. I told myself that I was not going to cut my hair until my 21st birthday, but it did not go as planned. I was so tired of my relaxed hair. It was thin, lifeless, and just boring. I was seeing my curl pattern coming through and loving it, but my ends were so bad.

When I went natural there were very few naturals and not a lot of products to try. We had Shea Moisture 3 original lines and Miss Jessie’s, and that was pretty much it. Now every black hair company seems to have a natural hair line. I am glad that they do have this, but natural hair women expect more than a lot of chemicals and some shea butter and coconut oil towards the end of the list.

I have learned a lot about my hair throughout the years. I learned it likes butters more than oils and my scalp likes black soap. I stick with the basics and shampoo, condition, a leave-in, and a butter to seal. I still have yet to find a deep conditioner that does anything for my hair. I also like to make my own products and keep them simple and all natural. I do not focus on using organic products, because it does not really make a different in my opinion. Since I do have seborrheic dermatitis, I have to wash my hair once a week and co-washing does not work for me.

I have seen a lot of growth and health in my hair. My hair likes to put into protective styles and kept that way. I do wear my hair out if I am going somewhere important, but most of the time it is in a bun or under a beanie. I try to keep my hair like this for at least seven days, but when my scalp problem goes into remission, I can go without washing my hair for about ten days.

When my hair is protected I see a lot growth. I have even reached my hair goals, going from neck length to collarbone length to armpit length, finally to bra strap length. My ultimate goal is mid-back length or shoulder length when curly.

So here are some pictures of my journey so fair.

****This was after I trimmed about an inch off. 






Thanks so staying beautiful XOXO

I Flat Ironed my Hair

Hello Berries! On May 20th, 2015, I celebrated my 3 year natural hair anniversary. I am so excited to be able to be natural for this long and see my growth and development with my hair so far. I decided to lightly press my hair to give myself a trim. I will have another blog post after this one talking more about my hair journey so hair. This one is just about my press and trim.

I used my blow dryer on high heat, high speed for about a minute and a half on each section (about 10 sections total). Then I blow dried on cool heat, high speed all over. I flat ironed my hair at 395 degrees with two passes to lightly straighten my hair. I ended up cutting about an inch off, which isn’t bad at all for not trimming in 6 months. I did not trim it evenly, because I do not wear my hair straight or out very much. Also, I really do not care if it is straight, because my hair grows pretty evenly all over. To me it looks fine and honestly, that is all that matters when it comes to my hair.

****All these pictures are unedited images shot on my phone camera. They are not the best quality, so just bare with me.


This is before I blow dried and pressed my hair. It is in its natural state and is so curly.


This is after I blow dried one side of my head. My ends look raggedy and a hot mess.


The back view after I blow dried both sides of my hair.


Front view of my blow dried hair.


After flat ironing the back sections. This was before I trimmed my ends.


After flat ironing and trimming my ends. It looks so thick, full, and healthy.


Back view of my flat ironed and trimmed hair. You can see it is slightly uneven, but nothing major.


After I flat ironed and trimmed my ends, I put it in two braids and kept it like this. It was not straight enough to wear it out, for me, plus it is very humid here. I really like my hair in this still.

Thanks for being beautiful XOXO

7 Things I Love About My Natural Hair

  1. I love my curl pattern.
    • I am a 3c/4a curl and it is just beautiful. Although I have some curl issues going on, when my curls are good, they are very good.
  2. I love the length.
    • Although I am not at my ultimate goal, I am very close. I am currently grazing bra strap/neck length when shrunken and my ultimate goal is about mid-back or shoulder length when shrunken.
  3. I love the color.
    • My hair is three different shades of messed up. I dyed it in September and it was bad. My roots turned orange and my previously dyed hair turned brown. Now that my roots have grown out my hair is dark brown, orangish-bronze, and brown. Next dyed job will be done professionally.
  4. I love the way people ask about my hair.
    • Although I do not my hair to be touched, I do love when people ask about it. I love giving hair tips and people asking can I do their hair.
  5. I love making my own products.
    • I have an excuse to buy butter and oils and make all these concoctions and try new products and tell people about them and allow them to try them.
  6. I love the thickness.
    • My hair is thick and I mean THICK! That’s all I can say about it.
  7. I love that it is my hair.
    • It is mines and I grew it. I hear the craziest questions about my hair and I love it. I love the attention and the way it looks and feels. I just love my natural hair.


Hello Berries!

I have been trying to post more, and now that I am done with classes, I will be able to. I have decided to keep my post short, sweet, and to the point. I am working on my old laptop, until I get my other one fixed, hopefully by September, I will start making longer post. I have decided to make a new series called, 7 Thing I Love. I will come up with a random topic and tell you seven things that I like about it. I will post these randomly, aiming for two to three times a week. I am also trying to take more Look of the Week post and how I Got This Look post, but since it is the warmer months, I have not really done anything to my hair, except the basics. I also have not painted my nails, so I cannot post those pictures. I am just being a little lazy now, so please excuse my slacking off. I am working on starting a YouTube channel and in September I will be making more post and vlogs.

Thanks for staying beautiful XOXO