Tag Archive | being black

Welcome Back!

Hello Berries!

I am so sorry for being gone so long! I have been so busy with school. I am back and will be posting about once or twice of month. I cannot promise to go back to posting once a week, because my schedule is way too busy for that. Plus I am trying to start a beauty business!

You guys know how much I love natural hair, skin products, and nails, so I will be posting more about these things. I am also starting a no heat/no meat challenge starting soon; I will have more details about this coming in a later blog. I will also be posting about a few new products I have tried, my healthy hair journey, and some other stuff I have been thinking about. I do want to share the gels nails that I am currently trying to master. Please just bear with me while I try to get all my thoughts and ideas together. Since I’ve been gone, I have come up with some great things to talk about and  cannot wait to get them out there to you.

Question: What would you like to see me blog about?

Thanks for Staying Beautiful


Keeping Hair Simple


Hello Berries!

So I get a lot of questions about what I do to my hair and honestly I can never really tell people, because I really don’t do anything to my hair. I keep it simple and do the bare minimum to keep it from looking crazy. I think that is what people with natural hair or hair in general forget to do. You do not have to do all this extra stuff to your hair to get it to look nice or to grow. If you just love your care and take care of it, then it will grow. One thing that I learned is my hair likes to cleaned and left alone.

So here are some simple steps for any person with hair, whether you are natural, relaxed, texlaxed, transitioning, or whatever.

**** I will not be talking about co-washing, because I do not like to co-wash. This is all my own opinion and the things that I think you should do to your hair.

Cleanse your hair

You can co-wash your hair if you please, but you MUST shampoo your hair at least once a month. If you are using products with chemicals or heavy oils, you must strip all that product out of your hair and scalp or that stuff will sit on your hair and make it look dull or will gunk up your scalp and cause some issues.

Condition your hair

You need to replenish the hair of all the stuff you look out of it when you cleansed your hair. Find something that makes your hair soft and able to detangle easily.

Deep Condition your hair

I do not deep condition my hair. I do not have time for this and have yet to find a deep conditioner that works for me. I do use a protein treatment once a month though. Honestly, this step is optional.

Moisturize your hair

Leave-ins, butters, and oils. You do not have to use the LOC or LCO method in this step, but you do want to use something that moisturizes the hair and seals in that moisture.

Style your hair

Style your hair the way you want your hair to look and leave it alone or not, the choice is yours. Just enjoy YOUR hair.

Question: What is your regimen?

Thanks for being beautiful


I Flat Ironed my Hair

Hello Berries! On May 20th, 2015, I celebrated my 3 year natural hair anniversary. I am so excited to be able to be natural for this long and see my growth and development with my hair so far. I decided to lightly press my hair to give myself a trim. I will have another blog post after this one talking more about my hair journey so hair. This one is just about my press and trim.

I used my blow dryer on high heat, high speed for about a minute and a half on each section (about 10 sections total). Then I blow dried on cool heat, high speed all over. I flat ironed my hair at 395 degrees with two passes to lightly straighten my hair. I ended up cutting about an inch off, which isn’t bad at all for not trimming in 6 months. I did not trim it evenly, because I do not wear my hair straight or out very much. Also, I really do not care if it is straight, because my hair grows pretty evenly all over. To me it looks fine and honestly, that is all that matters when it comes to my hair.

****All these pictures are unedited images shot on my phone camera. They are not the best quality, so just bare with me.


This is before I blow dried and pressed my hair. It is in its natural state and is so curly.


This is after I blow dried one side of my head. My ends look raggedy and a hot mess.


The back view after I blow dried both sides of my hair.


Front view of my blow dried hair.


After flat ironing the back sections. This was before I trimmed my ends.


After flat ironing and trimming my ends. It looks so thick, full, and healthy.


Back view of my flat ironed and trimmed hair. You can see it is slightly uneven, but nothing major.


After I flat ironed and trimmed my ends, I put it in two braids and kept it like this. It was not straight enough to wear it out, for me, plus it is very humid here. I really like my hair in this still.

Thanks for being beautiful XOXO

7 Things I Love About Being Black


  1. I love my skin color.
    • I am on the lighter side, but I love the color I am. Growing up I always wanted to be darker, because that’s what I saw in my family and I got teased a lot. However, now I am happy with the shade of honey brown that I am.
  2. I love my culture.
    • Blacks have such a rich culture and it is unique depending on where you are from. Everyone does not share the same culture, but we share small similarities.
  3. I love my history.
    • We were not always slaves. We started as kings and kings and gods and goddesses. We are the original man. We are history!
  4. I love that we have been able to overcome so much adversity.
    • Everything that was designed to knock us down has made us stronger. We have overcome so much so much and we continue to grow.
  5. I love my brothers and sisters.
    • This is all that needs to be said. I love my black brothers and sister and want to see everybody succeed and accomplish their goals.
  6. I love my diversity.
    • Blacks all over the world look different. Black people in a small area look differently. We come in all shades, shapes, sizes, and uniqueness.
  7. I love my African features.
    • I love my wide nose, full lips and round hips. I love my kinky hair and my thick thighs. I love the things that whites used to make fun of us for, but now are paying big bucks to achieve.
