Tag Archive | natural hair routine

Things I Don’t Do As A Girl with Natural Hair

Hello Berries!

We all know there are some dos and don’ts for natural hair and I break A LOT of these rules! I am human and I like to do certain things to my hair that some natural hair Nazis would not agree with, but it is my hair and I can do whatever I want to my hair and no one can stop me!

1.) I do not co-wash. I hate co-washing. I hate when people tell me I should co-wash. I hate when people co-wash their hair. I think you should shampoo your hair to get it clean and I do not believe co-washing actually cleanses the hair. Plus most people do not even use cleansing conditioners to co-wash their hair.

2.) I like heat. I do not use heat a lot, but I do like to use it. Honestly, if I were more patient with my hair, I would be a straight haired natural. I like straight styles and love how my hair looks when it is straightened. I just hate the process of getting my hair straight and I do not have that much time and energy to devote to making it straight.

3.) I do not use the LOC/LCO method. My hair likes simplicity. I cannot stack product on product on product on my hair. My hair would hate it! I keep it simple and just use a leave-in conditioner to moisturize and shea butter to seal. My hair loves this process and is really thriving this way.

4.) I do not moisturize and seal on a regular basis. I only moisturize my hair on wash days and when I restyle my hair, other than that, I do not bother my hair. I think it defeats the purpose for me to take my hair out of its protective style, just to wet and restyle it. I keep my hair in braids, under a beanie most of the time and wash it twice a week, so I do not think I am doing any damage to it.

5.) I like sulfates. My hair is fine with sulfate shampoos and I like to keep my hair happy. Like I said I keep it simple and if a product works for my hair, then I am not about to change it, because the internet says I should.

6.) I like rubber bands. I use rubber bands when I braid my hair up to keep it from unraveling. They do not break my hair off or cause damage. I fine with rubber bands. However, I have been using them less, nut only because I am too cheap to buy more of them.

7.) I do not pre-poo. I try to keep my hair day routine to a minimum and pre-pooing is not part of routine. Plus my hair feels dirty when I pre-poo, especially with an oil.

8.) I do not use oil on my hair. Well, it is very rare that I use an oil. My hair is thick and likes creams more than oils. This is why I prefer to use she butter more than oil. And I am the rare exception of naturalistas that do not like coconut oil.

These are the things that I do and do not do to my hair. I love my natural hair and I want to take better care of my hair, but sometimes I break the rules.

Question: What natural hair rules do you break?

Thanks for being beautiful


Hair Goals

Hello Berries!

I am excited about starting this healthy hair journey and getting my hair healthy, strong, and long! I have done the natural hair journey, but because I was doing my own hair, I did a lot of damage. I am just trying to repair my color damaged hair. I have already posted my hair regimen and kept it very simple. Here’s the link to that post: https://shuberryharan.wordpress.com/2015/07/29/healthy-hair-journey/

 So with all that being said, I have decided to list my hair goals, because this is the best way to stay on track.

**** These are MY goals! Everyone has different goals that they want to achieve. I am not putting a time period on my goals, because my hair will not go for that. These goals are not in any particular order, I am going to follow my regimen and pay attention to my hair’s needs. I will be making a post about where I am starting at and I will be doing updates every three months or so.

Reach shoulder length in shrunken stage

Reach mid-back length

Clear my seborrheic dermatitis

Repair my curl pattern

Grow out my dyed hair

Use more all natural products

Question: What are your hair goals?

Thanks for staying beautiful


Healthy Hair Journey

Hello Berries!

I am going to be honest, my hair is damaged! I don’t have heat damage, but I do have color damage and it is sad. The front of my hair has no curl pattern; it is just a limp wave type pattern. I have decided to start a healthy hair journey to repair my hair and grow it healthy and longer. I also want to clear my scalp issues and calm my seborrheic dermatitis. So on August 1 I will be starting my healthy hair journey!

**** This is what I am doing for my healthy hair journey. You are welcome to participate on the journey with me and make your own adjustments to fit your hair needs.



2x Week with a dandruff shampoo & moisturizing shampoo


2x Week after shampoo

Moisturize & Seal

Every 2 Days


Low Maintenance (Braid Outs/Twist Outs)

Protective Styles (Buns/Braids/Twists/Beanies)



Deep Condition (1x Week)


Whenever Needed

Question: What do you do to keep your hair healthy?

Thanks for staying beautiful


7 Things I Love About My Natural Hair

  1. I love my curl pattern.
    • I am a 3c/4a curl and it is just beautiful. Although I have some curl issues going on, when my curls are good, they are very good.
  2. I love the length.
    • Although I am not at my ultimate goal, I am very close. I am currently grazing bra strap/neck length when shrunken and my ultimate goal is about mid-back or shoulder length when shrunken.
  3. I love the color.
    • My hair is three different shades of messed up. I dyed it in September and it was bad. My roots turned orange and my previously dyed hair turned brown. Now that my roots have grown out my hair is dark brown, orangish-bronze, and brown. Next dyed job will be done professionally.
  4. I love the way people ask about my hair.
    • Although I do not my hair to be touched, I do love when people ask about it. I love giving hair tips and people asking can I do their hair.
  5. I love making my own products.
    • I have an excuse to buy butter and oils and make all these concoctions and try new products and tell people about them and allow them to try them.
  6. I love the thickness.
    • My hair is thick and I mean THICK! That’s all I can say about it.
  7. I love that it is my hair.
    • It is mines and I grew it. I hear the craziest questions about my hair and I love it. I love the attention and the way it looks and feels. I just love my natural hair.

Pre-Poo/Prepping Your Hair For Cleansing

What is Pre-Poo?

  • A pre-poo is the abbreviation of the word pre-shampoo, and is a treatment applied to the hair before shampooing/washing.
  • Shampooing the hair usually strips the hair of its natural oils leaving it very dry and so a pre-poo helps to lessen the effects of that. It is a way to apply a conditioner treatment to the hair and add moisture to the follicles.
  • Pre-poo treatments can be done with oil, with a conditioner, or with household pantry items.

What are the Benefits?

  • Moisturizing the Hair– Curls and kinks are always in need of moisture, and a pre-poo treatment gives extra moisture when applied, and helps to restore and lock in the moisture while washing.
  • Avoid Stripping the Hair– Though we all want our hair to be clean, sometimes, “squeaky” clean can be too much. Shampoos can strip the necessary oils that our curls need for shape, shine, and definition. Pre-poo treatments help restore those oils and protect hair follicles and prevent shampoo from stripping natural oils.
  • Detangles the Hair– You can take care of detangling hair a lot easier than after it’s washed. Breakage occurs much more often with wet hair than with dry hair. Therefore, applying the pre-poo treatment and allowing it to sit on your hair, will help detangle locks, knots, and kinks, lessening breakage.
  • Nourishes the Hair– After a pre-poo treatment you should notice soft locks, shiny ones too. Your hair and scalp will be ever so grateful for helping restore some moisture and restorative oils that have been lacking. Making prepoo a part of your regular routine will show great improvements to your hair’s texture and sheen.Nourishes and protect scalp, roots, and fragile ends of hair.

What to Use?

  • Pre-Pooing with Oil
  • Oils are great for pre-poo treatments because they nourish and condition the hair naturally. You can also create a mix of all your favorite oils in one.
  1. First select a carrier oil that works best with your hair.
  2. Divide your hair into 4-6 twists. Untwist each section one at a time and apply oil from root to tip, paying special attention to your ends before re-twisting.
  3. Use your fingers to gently remove any knots and detangle clumps in your hair.
  4. Place a plastic shower cap over the hair for 30 minutes to overnight. Shampoo/wash hair as usual.
  • Best Oils To Use
  • Olive Oil Coconut Oil
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Grape Seed Oil
  • Sweet Almond Oil


  • Pre-poo with conditioner
  • Conditioners are great, because they make the hair soft and are pre-made, so you don’t have to make them yourself.
  • Homemade blends are great, because you know exactly what is going into the mix, you can decide what you like to put in your mix, and it’s cheap.
  • Choose a water-based conditioner because it absorbs quickly into the hair shaft and spread easily throughout the hair. It should be creamy but not too thick.
  • Apply the conditioner to your hair from root to tips after you’ve sectioned it.
  • Follow the same steps as if you were pre-pooing with oil. Shampoo/wash hair as usual.
  • When your hair begins to feel very soft and smooth, you can wash the hair and shampoo.
  • Best Conditioners To Use
  • Homemade Blends
  • Store Bought Treatments/Masques
  • Honey
  • Yogurt
  • Bananas

*You can leave the mixture in your hair overnight for maximum conditioning.



  • Which is better for a pre-poo, oil or conditioner?
  • Oil is the best option for a pre-poo because it is inexpensive and readily available in local grocery stores.
  • You can purchase a large bottle of oil and use it continuously for months.
  • Conditioners can be expensive, especially if they include organic, vegan, or natural ingredients. Inexpensive conditioners can contain synthetic ingredients that coat the hair and conceal damages in the hair structure.
  • In contrast, oils condition and nourish the hair naturally.
  • Whichever treatment you decide to use make sure it works best for your hair.
  • How does the pre-poo affect your hair?
  • Yes, it’s true that everything that put on your hair before a shampoo will be washed away. It may be hard to see the point of doing this step in the first place. Let’s remember that the process of washing the hair can be very stressful on the hair, especially if you are still using a sulfate shampoo.
  • In fact, there tends to be a ton of manipulation during the washing, deep conditioning and styling routine. Doing a pre-poo conditions the cuticle and gets it prepared for the manipulation to follow.
  • Doing a pre-poo will give your hair that fighting chance it needs to withstand further manipulation on wash day.


****Have you tried a pre-poo? If so, what’s your favorite product to use? Let me know in the comment section below!