Things I Don’t Do As A Girl with Natural Hair

Hello Berries!

We all know there are some dos and don’ts for natural hair and I break A LOT of these rules! I am human and I like to do certain things to my hair that some natural hair Nazis would not agree with, but it is my hair and I can do whatever I want to my hair and no one can stop me!

1.) I do not co-wash. I hate co-washing. I hate when people tell me I should co-wash. I hate when people co-wash their hair. I think you should shampoo your hair to get it clean and I do not believe co-washing actually cleanses the hair. Plus most people do not even use cleansing conditioners to co-wash their hair.

2.) I like heat. I do not use heat a lot, but I do like to use it. Honestly, if I were more patient with my hair, I would be a straight haired natural. I like straight styles and love how my hair looks when it is straightened. I just hate the process of getting my hair straight and I do not have that much time and energy to devote to making it straight.

3.) I do not use the LOC/LCO method. My hair likes simplicity. I cannot stack product on product on product on my hair. My hair would hate it! I keep it simple and just use a leave-in conditioner to moisturize and shea butter to seal. My hair loves this process and is really thriving this way.

4.) I do not moisturize and seal on a regular basis. I only moisturize my hair on wash days and when I restyle my hair, other than that, I do not bother my hair. I think it defeats the purpose for me to take my hair out of its protective style, just to wet and restyle it. I keep my hair in braids, under a beanie most of the time and wash it twice a week, so I do not think I am doing any damage to it.

5.) I like sulfates. My hair is fine with sulfate shampoos and I like to keep my hair happy. Like I said I keep it simple and if a product works for my hair, then I am not about to change it, because the internet says I should.

6.) I like rubber bands. I use rubber bands when I braid my hair up to keep it from unraveling. They do not break my hair off or cause damage. I fine with rubber bands. However, I have been using them less, nut only because I am too cheap to buy more of them.

7.) I do not pre-poo. I try to keep my hair day routine to a minimum and pre-pooing is not part of routine. Plus my hair feels dirty when I pre-poo, especially with an oil.

8.) I do not use oil on my hair. Well, it is very rare that I use an oil. My hair is thick and likes creams more than oils. This is why I prefer to use she butter more than oil. And I am the rare exception of naturalistas that do not like coconut oil.

These are the things that I do and do not do to my hair. I love my natural hair and I want to take better care of my hair, but sometimes I break the rules.

Question: What natural hair rules do you break?

Thanks for being beautiful


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