Tag Archive | beauty

Top 10 Wish List ! Nail Polish Collections

Hello Berries!

Here’s another Top Ten Wish List! This time nail polishes! I will be talking about collection polishes that I would like to try. I just got into nail polishes a few months ago, so I am not really big on when the collection was released or if they are still available. Honestly, I just like the colors.

**** This list will be comprised of the 10 collections that I would like to try and what colors they include. It will be longer than my usual list, because of how many polishes are in each collection. These are some of the products that I want. I am not asking anyone to buy them; I would just like to try them one day.

OPI Ford Mustang

OPI Ford Mustang Collection

Red Race

50 Years of Style

Queen of the Road

The Sky’s My Limit

Girls Love Ponies

Angel with a Leadfoof

OPI Spotlight on Glitter


You Pink Too Much

Desperately Seeking Sequins

Rose of Light

I Reached My Gold!

Chasing Rainbows

Blush Hour

Zoya Paradise Sun








Zoya Island Fun








China Glaze Off Shore Dune our Thing


Feel the Breeze

Float On

Dune Our Thing


I Sea the Point

Wait N’ Sea

Morgan Taylor Cinderella Collection


Party At The Palace

If The Slipper Fits

Watch Your Step, Sister!

My Carriage Awaits

Best Ball Gown Ever

Ella Of A Girl

Essie 2014 Glittering Heights


No Place Like Chrome

Set In Stone

Penny Talk

Summit of Style

Good as Gold

Rock At The Top

Formula X Infinite Ombre

infinite ombre square

Platinum Prime

Boundless Berry

Infinite Indigo

Timeless Teal

Limitless Lemon

Ella+Mila Samba Collection


From Rio XO


‘Cause I’m Happy

Sun Has Set

Samba Beats

Ocean Air

Ella+Mila Elite Collection


In Line for Wine

Mediterranean Mist

Naughty Not Nice

Yacht Club

Sunset Escape

Drippin’ Gold

Bon Voyage

Question: What is nail polish collection that you would like to try? Or have you ever tried any of these collections?

Thanks for staying beautiful


7 Things I Love About E.L.F


  1. I love the prices.
    • Everything is so cheap. You can literally have $20 and get 20 items or more if there’s a sale.
  2. I love the quality.
    • Although some things can be a hit or miss, the hits are AMAZING for the price. Even most of the misses are still workable and do not have to go to waste.
  3. I love the variety.
    • They offer multiple items within different price points. They offer multiple colors, shades, and features of different products at reasonable prices.
  4. I love the smell of the lippies.
    • Their lippies smell like vanilla, watermelon, and happiness.
  5. I love sales.
    • When they have sales the price of the products gets even better. I have gotten buy one, get one free and 50% off and even a mystery box of products.
  6. I love colors.
    • Although every color is not for a lot of women of color, a lot of the colors are great. I like finding new colors that I like or want to try out.
  7. I love that they are not hard to find.
    • This brand, especially the essentials line, is in some many stores. I have even seen them in a grocery store. It is not hard to find, you can go online or to just about Target and find exactly what you want from the company.

Question: Do you like E.L.F. products? If so, which products?

Top 10 Wish List ! Deep Conditioners

Hello Berries!

I have been thinking about some things to blog about and kind of went blank. So I had the idea for making a wish list on some of the things that I want. This list will be about some deep conditions and hair treatments that I would like to try. I do not deep condition my hair very often, because I have yet to find one that really works for my hair.

****These are some of the products that I want. I am not asking anyone to buy them; I would just like to try them one day. This list is comprised of deep conditioners, because I have yet to find one that I constantly want to buy repeated. Also, I use a lot of homemade products, so I really do not buy a lot of products from the store.

Ouidad Melt Down Extreme Repair Mask


Macadamia Oil Deep Repair Mask


It’s A 10 Miracle Deep Conditioner Plus Keratin


Moroccan Oil Intense Hydrating


Curl Junkie Repair Me! Reconstructive Hair Treatment


Deva Heaven In Hair Intense Moisture Treatment


Mixed Chicks Deep Conditioner


Shea Moisture Raw Shea Butter Deep Treatment Masque


Redken Extreme Strength Builder Plus


Joico Intense Hydrator


Question: What is a deep conditioner that you would like to try? Why?

Thanks for staying beautiful


7 Things I Love About My Boyfriend


  1. I love that he is so cute.
    • He is very attractive and he keeps himself looking good.
  2. I love that he actually puts up with me.
    • He puts up with my attitudes and moods and mind changes and just deals with me on a daily basis.
  3. I love the way he thinks.
    • He makes me think about things from a different viewpoint and makes me question and research things until I can found an answer.
  4. I love that he takes an interest in me.
    • He asks me questions and takes an interest in the things that I do. Even if it is not something that he likes, he still questions me about it, to get to know more about it.
  5. I love how he is with children.
    • He is great with children. I believe if we were to have children together he would be a great father.
  6. I love the way he talks.
    • He has a southern accent that just melts my heart. I have even started using some of his lingo.
  7. I love him.
    • I just love him. I have always loved him. I truly believe it was love at first sight. I couldn’t talk my eyes off of him and now I even catch myself just staring at him.

Question: What do you like in a significant other?

Keeping Hair Simple


Hello Berries!

So I get a lot of questions about what I do to my hair and honestly I can never really tell people, because I really don’t do anything to my hair. I keep it simple and do the bare minimum to keep it from looking crazy. I think that is what people with natural hair or hair in general forget to do. You do not have to do all this extra stuff to your hair to get it to look nice or to grow. If you just love your care and take care of it, then it will grow. One thing that I learned is my hair likes to cleaned and left alone.

So here are some simple steps for any person with hair, whether you are natural, relaxed, texlaxed, transitioning, or whatever.

**** I will not be talking about co-washing, because I do not like to co-wash. This is all my own opinion and the things that I think you should do to your hair.

Cleanse your hair

You can co-wash your hair if you please, but you MUST shampoo your hair at least once a month. If you are using products with chemicals or heavy oils, you must strip all that product out of your hair and scalp or that stuff will sit on your hair and make it look dull or will gunk up your scalp and cause some issues.

Condition your hair

You need to replenish the hair of all the stuff you look out of it when you cleansed your hair. Find something that makes your hair soft and able to detangle easily.

Deep Condition your hair

I do not deep condition my hair. I do not have time for this and have yet to find a deep conditioner that works for me. I do use a protein treatment once a month though. Honestly, this step is optional.

Moisturize your hair

Leave-ins, butters, and oils. You do not have to use the LOC or LCO method in this step, but you do want to use something that moisturizes the hair and seals in that moisture.

Style your hair

Style your hair the way you want your hair to look and leave it alone or not, the choice is yours. Just enjoy YOUR hair.

Question: What is your regimen?

Thanks for being beautiful


Three Years Natural

Hello Berries!

I cut my hair on May 2o, 2012. I felt liberated. I told myself that I was not going to cut my hair until my 21st birthday, but it did not go as planned. I was so tired of my relaxed hair. It was thin, lifeless, and just boring. I was seeing my curl pattern coming through and loving it, but my ends were so bad.

When I went natural there were very few naturals and not a lot of products to try. We had Shea Moisture 3 original lines and Miss Jessie’s, and that was pretty much it. Now every black hair company seems to have a natural hair line. I am glad that they do have this, but natural hair women expect more than a lot of chemicals and some shea butter and coconut oil towards the end of the list.

I have learned a lot about my hair throughout the years. I learned it likes butters more than oils and my scalp likes black soap. I stick with the basics and shampoo, condition, a leave-in, and a butter to seal. I still have yet to find a deep conditioner that does anything for my hair. I also like to make my own products and keep them simple and all natural. I do not focus on using organic products, because it does not really make a different in my opinion. Since I do have seborrheic dermatitis, I have to wash my hair once a week and co-washing does not work for me.

I have seen a lot of growth and health in my hair. My hair likes to put into protective styles and kept that way. I do wear my hair out if I am going somewhere important, but most of the time it is in a bun or under a beanie. I try to keep my hair like this for at least seven days, but when my scalp problem goes into remission, I can go without washing my hair for about ten days.

When my hair is protected I see a lot growth. I have even reached my hair goals, going from neck length to collarbone length to armpit length, finally to bra strap length. My ultimate goal is mid-back length or shoulder length when curly.

So here are some pictures of my journey so fair.

****This was after I trimmed about an inch off. 






Thanks so staying beautiful XOXO

7 Things I Love About Yoga


  1. I love the flexibility.
    • My body has become so much more flexible. I can bend and move in ways I’ve never thought possible.
  2. I love the mediation
    • I am centered and in a new world. I can focus and think clearly about most things that bothered me.
  3. I love workout.
    • I am sweating and I feel tired and sore afterwards.
  4. I love the energy.
    • I feel energized and empowered during and after doing yoga.
  5. I love how versatile it is.
    • You can do different positions and train different parts of your body.
  6. I love the positions.
    • There are poses to do and some are more difficult than others, but all are very rewarding.
  7. I love the looks when people see how flexible you are.
    • People are amazed when they see the way yogis can bend and contort their bodies or the random positions that we find comfortable.

I Flat Ironed my Hair

Hello Berries! On May 20th, 2015, I celebrated my 3 year natural hair anniversary. I am so excited to be able to be natural for this long and see my growth and development with my hair so far. I decided to lightly press my hair to give myself a trim. I will have another blog post after this one talking more about my hair journey so hair. This one is just about my press and trim.

I used my blow dryer on high heat, high speed for about a minute and a half on each section (about 10 sections total). Then I blow dried on cool heat, high speed all over. I flat ironed my hair at 395 degrees with two passes to lightly straighten my hair. I ended up cutting about an inch off, which isn’t bad at all for not trimming in 6 months. I did not trim it evenly, because I do not wear my hair straight or out very much. Also, I really do not care if it is straight, because my hair grows pretty evenly all over. To me it looks fine and honestly, that is all that matters when it comes to my hair.

****All these pictures are unedited images shot on my phone camera. They are not the best quality, so just bare with me.


This is before I blow dried and pressed my hair. It is in its natural state and is so curly.


This is after I blow dried one side of my head. My ends look raggedy and a hot mess.


The back view after I blow dried both sides of my hair.


Front view of my blow dried hair.


After flat ironing the back sections. This was before I trimmed my ends.


After flat ironing and trimming my ends. It looks so thick, full, and healthy.


Back view of my flat ironed and trimmed hair. You can see it is slightly uneven, but nothing major.


After I flat ironed and trimmed my ends, I put it in two braids and kept it like this. It was not straight enough to wear it out, for me, plus it is very humid here. I really like my hair in this still.

Thanks for being beautiful XOXO

7 Things I Love About Being Black


  1. I love my skin color.
    • I am on the lighter side, but I love the color I am. Growing up I always wanted to be darker, because that’s what I saw in my family and I got teased a lot. However, now I am happy with the shade of honey brown that I am.
  2. I love my culture.
    • Blacks have such a rich culture and it is unique depending on where you are from. Everyone does not share the same culture, but we share small similarities.
  3. I love my history.
    • We were not always slaves. We started as kings and kings and gods and goddesses. We are the original man. We are history!
  4. I love that we have been able to overcome so much adversity.
    • Everything that was designed to knock us down has made us stronger. We have overcome so much so much and we continue to grow.
  5. I love my brothers and sisters.
    • This is all that needs to be said. I love my black brothers and sister and want to see everybody succeed and accomplish their goals.
  6. I love my diversity.
    • Blacks all over the world look different. Black people in a small area look differently. We come in all shades, shapes, sizes, and uniqueness.
  7. I love my African features.
    • I love my wide nose, full lips and round hips. I love my kinky hair and my thick thighs. I love the things that whites used to make fun of us for, but now are paying big bucks to achieve.


7 Things I Love About My Natural Hair

  1. I love my curl pattern.
    • I am a 3c/4a curl and it is just beautiful. Although I have some curl issues going on, when my curls are good, they are very good.
  2. I love the length.
    • Although I am not at my ultimate goal, I am very close. I am currently grazing bra strap/neck length when shrunken and my ultimate goal is about mid-back or shoulder length when shrunken.
  3. I love the color.
    • My hair is three different shades of messed up. I dyed it in September and it was bad. My roots turned orange and my previously dyed hair turned brown. Now that my roots have grown out my hair is dark brown, orangish-bronze, and brown. Next dyed job will be done professionally.
  4. I love the way people ask about my hair.
    • Although I do not my hair to be touched, I do love when people ask about it. I love giving hair tips and people asking can I do their hair.
  5. I love making my own products.
    • I have an excuse to buy butter and oils and make all these concoctions and try new products and tell people about them and allow them to try them.
  6. I love the thickness.
    • My hair is thick and I mean THICK! That’s all I can say about it.
  7. I love that it is my hair.
    • It is mines and I grew it. I hear the craziest questions about my hair and I love it. I love the attention and the way it looks and feels. I just love my natural hair.